Monday, August 25, 2008

Winner of Rails Documentation Contest

There was only one entry to the contest! That entry was from a prolific Rails contributor Xavier Noria Rami. Congratulations Xavier and keep up the good work.

I will be shipping him a brand new iPhone 3g soon!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

LaunchBox Unleashes Its First Nine Startups

None of those startup are likely to make any money.

Here is an idea for a startup that can make money:
How about a web app / iPhone app that users can use to check how likely they can get a room with a certain rating in a given location and date? Business travelers will find it very helpful.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Eric Hodel 3000 Logger `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Hodel3000CompliantLogger

Rails 2.0 configuration for Hodel 3000 logger blows up in environment.rb. Switching to RAWK. It would be cool to have a Capistrano task that shows the output.