Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Is it possible to send notifications to a private Slack channel from Spinnaker

 Yes, it is possible to send notifications to a private Slack channel from Spinnaker.

To do this, you will need to create a Slack bot and invite it to the private channel where you want to receive notifications. Here are the steps to follow:

Create a new Slack bot: Go to https://api.slack.com/apps and create a new bot. Give it a name and select the workspace where you want to receive notifications.

Invite the bot to the private channel: In Slack, invite the bot to the private channel where you want to receive notifications. You can do this by mentioning the bot in the channel and sending an invite.

Configure incoming webhooks: In the Slack app settings, go to "Incoming Webhooks" and activate it. Choose the channel where you want to receive notifications and copy the webhook URL.

Configure Spinnaker: In Spinnaker, go to the "Notifications" section and create a new notification. Select "Slack" as the type and paste the webhook URL from step 3. You can customize the message format as per your requirement.

Test the integration: To test the integration, create a new deployment in Spinnaker. You should receive a notification in the private Slack channel you configured in step 2.

That's it! You have successfully integrated Spinnaker with a private Slack channel and will now receive deployment notifications in the specified channel.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Troubleshooting Database Issues

Purpose: To provide a standard process for troubleshooting database issues in order to minimize downtime and ensure optimal database performance.

Scope: This SOP applies to all database administrators and IT staff responsible for maintaining databases.

Responsibilities: The database administrator or designated IT staff is responsible for following the procedures outlined in this SOP when troubleshooting database issues.


  1. Identify the issue: The first step in troubleshooting a database issue is to identify the problem. This may include slow query performance, data corruption, or database crashes.

  2. Gather information: Once the issue has been identified, gather as much information as possible about the problem. This may include error messages, log files, and system performance metrics.

  3. Verify the issue: Before making any changes to the database or system, verify that the issue is reproducible and consistent.

  4. Identify the cause: Once the issue has been verified, identify the underlying cause of the problem. This may involve analyzing log files, examining the database schema, or reviewing system configuration settings.

  5. Develop a plan: Based on the information gathered, develop a plan for resolving the issue. This may involve applying a patch or update, tuning the database configuration, or restoring from a backup.

  6. Implement the plan: Once the plan has been developed, implement the necessary changes to resolve the issue. This may involve applying changes to the database schema, updating system configuration settings, or restoring from a backup.

  7. Test the solution: After implementing the changes, test the database to ensure that the issue has been resolved and that the system is functioning properly.

  8. Document the solution: Once the issue has been resolved, document the steps taken to resolve the issue, including any changes made to the database or system configuration.

  9. Review the solution: After the issue has been resolved and documented, review the solution to identify any opportunities for improving the process.

  10. Monitor the system: Finally, continue to monitor the system to ensure that the issue does not reoccur and that the system is functioning optimally.

Conclusion: By following these procedures, database administrators and IT staff can effectively troubleshoot database issues and minimize downtime. By documenting the steps taken to resolve issues and reviewing the process for opportunities to improve, the organization can continuously improve its database management processes and ensure optimal system performance.

Monday, February 20, 2023


 Observation of developers using tools to login to remote servers. This approach views the problem from current way of doing things. I noticed copy paste of credentials from a text file to the terminal to run commands to login to the server.


The design direction went towards automating this task by not having to lookup the credentials in a file and providing a UI where the user can search for a server and copy the command including the credentials to paste to the terminal.

The high level intent is to login to remote server. If you apply ideality, we need a way to login to the server with very minimal effort and minimum number of steps. Just run one command based on the server you want to ssh and boom, you are logged in to the remote server. We can setup password less authentication that makes this possible. This solution is the ideal solution. 

Start with ideality to design the best possible solutions to a given problem.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Searching using grep and ack

grep -r "example" . --exclude-dir=node_modules --exclude-dir=vendor

Searches current directory

ack 'forgot_password_email' --ignore-dir=node_modules --ignore-dir=log

ack gives line numbers of the string in the file

rake task to import data from a .sql file

 namespace :db do

  desc 'Import data from a .sql file'

  task :import_sql_data, [:file_path] do |task, args|

    file_path = args[:file_path]

    # Check if the file exists

    unless File.exist?(file_path)

      puts "Error: File '#{file_path}' does not exist"



    # Execute the SQL commands in the file


    puts 'Data imported successfully!'




bundle exec rake db:import_sql_data[file_path]


bundle exec rake db:import_sql_data[db/my_data.sql]

Export Data in MySQL

 mysqldump -u username -p database_name > database_name.sql

Export a given table:

mysqldump -u username -p database_name table_name > table_name.sql

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Append a new record to JSON file

 I have a bookmarks.json that contains records with attributes: id, title, link. Write a node js script to append a new record to this existing file.

const fs = require("fs");

// Define the new record

const newRecord = {

  id: 4,

  title: "Google",

  link: "https://www.google.com",


// Read the bookmarks.json file

fs.readFile("bookmarks.json", "utf8", (err, data) => {

  if (err) throw err;

  // Parse the JSON data

  const bookmarks = JSON.parse(data);

  // Append the new record


  // Write the updated bookmarks to the file

  fs.writeFile("bookmarks.json", JSON.stringify(bookmarks), "utf8", (err) => {

    if (err) throw err;

    console.log("The new record has been successfully added to bookmarks.json");



In this script, the fs module is used to read and write the bookmarks.json file. The new record is defined as a JavaScript object, and then appended to the existing bookmarks using the push method. The updated bookmarks are then written back to the file using the writeFile method. The script logs a message to the console when the write operation is complete.

What is fs module?

The fs module is a built-in module in Node.js that provides a set of APIs for interacting with the file system. It allows you to perform various file-related operations such as reading and writing files, creating and deleting directories, checking file and directory existence, etc.

The fs module is commonly used for reading and writing files in Node.js, especially for storing and retrieving data in a persistent manner. For example, you can use the fs module to read a JSON file, modify the data, and write the updated data back to the file.

Here's a simple example that demonstrates the use of the fs module to read a file and print its contents to the console:

const fs = require("fs");

fs.readFile("file.txt", "utf8", (err, data) => {

  if (err) throw err;



In this example, the fs.readFile method is used to read the contents of a file named file.txt. The method takes three arguments: the name of the file, the encoding of the file, and a callback function that is called when the read operation is complete. The contents of the file are passed as a string to the callback function.

How to run the nodejs script in a terminal?

To run a Node.js script in a terminal, you need to have Node.js installed on your system. Once you have Node.js installed, you can run a script by using the following command in the terminal:

node <script-name>.js

For example, if you have a script named app.js, you can run it using the following command:

node app.js

This will execute the script and display any output generated by the script in the terminal. If there are no errors in the script, it will run to completion and exit. If there are errors, the error message will be displayed in the terminal and the script will exit immediately.

Script to Open Local File on Http Server

# Check if http-server is installed

if ! [ -x "$(command -v http-server)" ]; then

  # Install http-server if not installed

  npm install -g http-server


# Start the http-server and serve the current directory

http-server -p 8080 &

# Wait for the server to start

sleep 5

# Open the local file in Chrome

open -a "Google Chrome" http://localhost:8080/index.html

In this script, http-server is started with the -p option to specify the port as 8080, and the current directory is served using http-server .. The URL for the local index.html file is then opened in Chrome using open.

the http-server will look for the index.html file in the folder where it is run. In the script, http-server . starts the server and serves the files in the current directory. So, the script is looking for an index.html file in the same folder where the script is run. When the URL http://localhost:8080/index.html is opened in Chrome, the browser will request the file from the local web server, and the server will return the content of the index.html file if it exists in the current directory.

Applescript to Open a URL in Chrome

Write a applescript to open a Chrome browser window to a given URL A and another URL B in another window, the windows must be visible and stay next to each other

To run this AppleScript from the terminal, you can use the osascript command. Here's an example:

osascript -e 'tell application "Google Chrome" activate set window1 to make new window with properties {bounds:{0, 0, 500, 500}} set window2 to make new window with properties {bounds:{500, 0, 1000, 500}} set URL A to "https://www.exampleA.com" set URL B to "https://www.exampleB.com" tell window1 to set URL to URL A tell window2 to set URL to URL B end tell'

You can save the script to a file with a .scpt extension and run it from the terminal using the following command:

osascript path/to/script.scpt

Bash script:

#!/bin/bash URL_A="https://www.exampleA.com" URL_B="https://www.exampleB.com" google-chrome --new-window $URL_A & window1_pid=$! google-chrome --new-window $URL_B & window2_pid=$! # Wait for the first window to open while true; do if xdotool search --pid $window1_pid 2> /dev/null; then break fi sleep 0.1 done # Get the window ID of the first window window1_id=$(xdotool search --pid $window1_pid | head -1) # Wait for the second window to open while true; do if xdotool search --pid $window2_pid 2> /dev/null; then break fi sleep 0.1 done # Get the window ID of the second window window2_id=$(xdotool search --pid $window2_pid | head -1) # Move and resize the windows xdotool windowmove $window1_id 0 0 xdotool windowsize $window1_id 500 500 xdotool windowmove $window2_id 500 0 xdotool windowsize $window2_id 500 500

This script uses the google-chrome command to open two Chrome browser windows and the xdotool command to move and resize the windows. The script sets the URL for each window to URL_A and URL_B respectively. The script waits for each window to open and then gets the window ID of each window. Finally, the script uses xdotool to move and resize the windows to specific positions on the screen.

What are the error message best practices for a backend API?

Here are some best practices for displaying error messages in a backend API:

  1. Use standard HTTP status codes: HTTP status codes, such as 404 (Not Found), 400 (Bad Request), and 500 (Internal Server Error), provide a standard way to communicate the outcome of an API request. Use standard HTTP status codes to indicate the outcome of a request and provide additional information about the error using the response body.

  2. Provide clear and concise error messages: Error messages should clearly indicate what went wrong and what the user needs to do to resolve the issue. Avoid using vague or technical language, and provide clear and concise error messages in a consistent format.

  3. Use machine-readable error codes: In addition to the error message, include a machine-readable error code that can be used by client applications to handle specific error conditions. This can simplify error handling for client applications and help to reduce the need for custom error messages.

  4. Provide error messages in multiple formats: Consider providing error messages in multiple formats, such as JSON and XML, to support a wide range of client applications.

  5. Include context in error messages: Whenever possible, include additional context in error messages to help the client application understand the problem and how to resolve it.

  6. Log detailed error information: Store detailed error information, including stack traces and request data, in server logs. This information can be used to diagnose and resolve issues, and can also be used to improve the error handling in your API.

  7. Test error messages: Test your error messages to ensure that they are clear, accurate, and provide the information that the client application needs to resolve the error.

By following these best practices, you can create an error message system for your backend API that is effective, machine-readable, and helps to improve the overall reliability and user experience of your API.

What are the best practices for displaying error messages in the UI for a web application?

Here are some best practices for displaying error messages in the UI for a web application:

Keep error messages concise and specific: Error messages should clearly indicate what went wrong and what the user needs to do to resolve the issue. Avoid using vague or technical language.

Provide error messages in the context of the problem: Display error messages near the fields or actions that caused the error. This makes it easier for the user to understand what went wrong and how to resolve the issue.

Use clear and recognizable error icons: Error icons help to quickly identify that an error has occurred. Common error icons include an exclamation mark or a red triangle.

Highlight the affected fields: Highlight the fields that caused the error to draw the user's attention to the problem. This helps to quickly identify the source of the error.

Provide inline error messages: Inline error messages provide immediate feedback to the user, reducing the need for the user to navigate to another page or take another action to resolve the error.

Display error messages in a consistent manner: Use a consistent style, tone, and format for error messages throughout your application. This helps to establish trust with your users and makes it easier for them to understand and resolve errors.

Use error codes or error messages sparingly: Error codes or error messages can be helpful for developers, but they may not be meaningful to the end user. Use them sparingly and provide clear, concise, and actionable error messages for the end user.

Test error messages: Test your error messages to ensure that they are clear, accurate, and provide the information that the user needs to resolve the error.

By following these best practices, you can create an error message system that is effective, user-friendly, and helps to improve the overall user experience of your web application.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

ActiveRecord Bug Template

 # frozen_string_literal: true

require "bundler/inline"

gemfile(true) do

  source "https://rubygems.org"

  git_source(:github) { |repo| "https://github.com/#{repo}.git" }

  # Activate the gem you are reporting the issue against.

  gem "activerecord", "~>"

  gem "sqlite3"


require "active_record"

require "minitest/autorun"

require "logger"

# This connection will do for database-independent bug reports.

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do

  create_table :posts, force: true do |t|

    t.string :title, default: "Default Title"



class Post < ActiveRecord::Base


class BugTest < Minitest::Test

  def test_default_value_null_problem

    post = Post.new

    assert post.save, "Post should be saved without title"


    assert_nil post.title, "Post title should be nil, even with default value specified in migration"



Post.connection.execute("INSERT INTO posts (title) VALUES (NULL)")

Custom Drop Down Box using CKEditor version 4.14.1

 <!DOCTYPE html>



  <meta charset="utf-8">

  <script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.14.1/standard/ckeditor.js"></script>



  <textarea name="editor1"></textarea>


    CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {

      on: {

        instanceReady: function( evt ) {

          var editor = evt.editor;

          editor.addRichCombo( 'sampleList', {

            label: 'Sample List',

            title: 'Sample List',

            multiSelect: false,

            panel: {

              css: [ CKEDITOR.skin.getPath( 'editor' ) ].concat( editor.config.contentsCss ),

              multiSelect: false,

              attributes: { 'aria-label': 'Sample List' }


            init: function() {

              this.add( 'Option 1', 'Option 1', 'Option 1' );

              this.add( 'Option 2', 'Option 2', 'Option 2' );

              this.add( 'Option 3', 'Option 3', 'Option 3' );


            onClick: function( value ) {


              editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );

              editor.insertHtml( value );

              editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );


          } );



    } );




If I specify the default value, do I still need to specify not null?

 Yes, you should still specify null: false if you want to enforce that a column cannot have a NULL value, even if you have specified a default value.

This is because the default value is used as the value for a column when a new record is created and no value is provided for that column. However, if a NULL value is allowed, it's possible to insert a record with a NULL value for that column, which may not be what you want.

By specifying both a default value and null: false, you ensure that every record has a value for that column, and that value is either the default value or a value explicitly provided when the record is created.

Monday, February 06, 2023

Is it possible to integrate any of these libraries with TinyMCE editor?

Yes, it is possible to integrate any of the libraries mentioned above with TinyMCE editor. TinyMCE is a rich text editor that can be easily extended to include custom functionality. By using the TinyMCE API, you can bind any of these autocomplete libraries to the TinyMCE editor and provide a dropdown list of choices to users as they type.

Here's a simple example of how you can integrate Select2 with TinyMCE:

  1. Include the Select2 library and its CSS in your HTML file.
  2. Initialize TinyMCE and bind Select2 to the editor.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/select2@4.1.0-beta.1/dist/js/select2.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/select2@4.1.0-beta.1/dist/css/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    selector: 'textarea',
    plugins: 'autocomplete',
    init_instance_callback: function (editor) {
      $(editor.getBody()).on('keydown', function (e) {
        if (e.which === 50 && e.ctrlKey) {
          var caretPos = editor.selection.getRng().startOffset;
          var content = editor.getContent({ format: 'text' });
          var currentLine = content.substr(0, caretPos).split('\n').pop();
          var trigger = currentLine.match(/@\w+$/);
          if (trigger) {
            var items = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date'];
            var $dropdown = $('<select>').appendTo('body');
              data: items,
              width: '100%',
              dropdownParent: $('body'),
              minimumInputLength: 0,
              maximumSelectionLength: 1,
              placeholder: 'Type to search...'
            $dropdown.on('select2:select', function (e) {
              var value = e.params.data.id;
              var start = caretPos - trigger[0].length;
              var end = start + value.length;
              editor.selection.setRng({ start: start, end: end });
              editor.insertContent('@' + value);

This code binds Select2 to the TinyMCE editor so that when the user presses "Ctrl + 2" in the editor, a Select2 dropdown will appear with a list of choices. When the user selects a choice, it will be inserted into the editor.

library that can show a dropdown box with a list of choices to make when a cursor is blinking inside a text area of html

 Yes, there are several libraries that can provide this functionality. Some popular ones are:

  1. jQuery UI Autocomplete - a plugin for the jQuery UI library
  2. Select2 - a highly customizable select box replacement library
  3. Typeahead.js - a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
  4. Autocomplete.js - a simple and lightweight autocomplete library

All of these libraries can be easily integrated into your HTML text area to provide a dropdown list of choices when the cursor is blinking.

Questioning Notes

Teach me how to ask questions like Einstein and Socrates

What are the specific types of questions to ask to learn about a topic?

Explain Situational questions

Explain Clarifying questions

Explain Assumption-probing questions

Explain Reason and evidence-seeking questions

Explain Implication and consequence-exploring questions

Explain Goal and objective-focused questions

Situational questions: These are questions that help you understand the current situation, such as "What's going on?" and "What's happening?"

Clarifying questions: These are questions that help you better understand something that has been said or presented, such as "Why did you say that?" and "Where did that come from?"

Assumption-probing questions: These are questions that challenge assumptions and help you consider alternative viewpoints, such as "What could we assume instead?"

Reason and evidence-seeking questions: These are questions that help you understand the reasoning behind a statement or decision and ask for supporting evidence, such as "What led you to that conclusion?" and "Can you provide examples to support your point?"

Implication and consequence-exploring questions: These are questions that help you consider the potential outcomes or effects of a situation, such as "What are the potential consequences of this decision?" and "How might this affect other areas?"

Goal and objective-focused questions: These are questions that help you understand the goals and objectives of a situation, such as "What is the desired outcome?" and "What do you hope to achieve?"

I also emphasize the importance of listening and being present in the moment while asking these questions in order to truly understand and bring value to a situation.


Do you understand what I'm saying?

we are going to take a concept that we

don't fully understand and what

explained and ask it to explain in

layman's terms and provide examples

simply ask it to explain its reasoning

and logic to get a much more detailed

and accurate response 

So the prompt is to Simply ask it to

write or offer a different perspective

on a particular topic 

research for topic so asking it to give

you a real world case study ensures that

its answers are actually accurate and

based off of a real world event and

all you have to do is prompt it with

something like I'm looking for a new

pair of running shoes do you have any

product recommendations and it will give

you a list of some of the best options

out there plus it'll even tell you the

differences between them so you can make

an informed decision this is super

useful if you want to find the perfect

product without the need for Endless

scrolling in comparison shopping

explain difficult

Concepts in a way that's easy to


for example let's say you're struggling

to understand the concept of momentum

just as chat GPT to explain it to you

like you're five years old and it'll

give you a simple explanation that even

a child could understand and if you have

any follow-up questions it can help with

those too

how about coding chat GPT can do that

too it can help with your coding tasks

and provide guidance on programming


but that's not all chat GPT can even

write code for you so whether you're

just starting out in programming or

you're an experience Pro this is the

great tool to help you learn and grow in

your career

chatgpt can also act as your own

personal career coach

all you have to do is prompt it with

something like act as an interviewer and

ask me about my strengths and I'll start

asking you questions as if you were

being interviewed in real life plus you

can even ask it to help you improve your

answers so you can feel more confident

and prepared for your next interview

chat GPT can also be an amazing resource

for anyone's troubling with anxiety

stress or any other mental health issues

for example you could type in on feeling

really anxious and overwhelmed and it

will give you some tips for managing

anxiety if you're in need of some

guidance or just want talk to someone

chat GPT could be a convenient way to

get support anonymously