Monday, January 10, 2005

Oracle 9i and WSAD 5.1.2

Installed the Oracle 9i database and client on my PC. Select * from emp; query shows all the records in the emp table from the SQL window. So, the installation issuccessful. Some of the components are mutually exclusive and during the installation it does let the user know about this.

WSAD 5.1.2 installation messed up my existing Eclipse 3.0 installation. I cannot bring up the Eclipse anymore. Is this due to the WSAD 5.1.2 using Eclipe 2.1 ? My plan is to install Eclipse on the laptop when I get one.

Changed the Oracle db related services to run manually instead of automatic. TNS listener and the DBName processes must be started to use the database. Need to download the JDBC driver I think it is free. Once the database is setup, I can start playing with Hibernate framework.

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