Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Subversion Setup for Edge Rails

The following steps are customized for my needs from the Subversion Primer for Rails Project.

1. mkdir ~/svn

2. svnadmin create --fs-type=fsfs ~/svn/pinkatio

pinkatio is the name of the Rails project

3. REPOS=file:///Users/balaparanj/svn/pinkatio

For some reason the `pwd' embedded inside the file:// does not work.

4. svn mkdir --message="Initial project layout" $REPOS/trunk $REPOS/tags $REPOS/branches

5. ~/work/pinkatio > rails pinkatio

6. ~/work/pinkatio > svn checkout $REPOS/trunk .

7. ~/work/pinkatio > svn add --force .

8. ~/work/pinkatio > svn mkdir db/migrate tmp

Ignore any error message for tmp directory.

9. ~/work/pinkatio > svn revert log/*

10. ~/work/pinkatio > svn propset svn:ignore "*.log" log

11. ~/work/pinkatio > svn propset svn:ignore "*" tmp

12. ~/work/pinkatio > svn propset svn:ignore "*doc" doc

13. ~/work/pinkatio > svn propset svn:executable "*" `find script -type f | grep -v '.svn'` public/dispatch.*

14. ~/work/pinkatio > svn commit --message="New Rails project"

15. ~/work/pinkatio > svn propset svn:externals "rails http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk/" vendor

16. ~/work/pinkatio > svn update vendor

17. ~/work/pinkatio > yes | rails .

18. ~/work/pinkatio > svn commit --message="Living on the Edge - set svn:externals on vendor / for Rails"

I skipped the steps to delete and remove the index.html from svn because the command yes | rails . undoes that step.


1. How to use Rails with Subversion
2. Create a Rails project skeleton and import and checkout from SVN all at once!

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