Thursday, April 18, 2013
How to use VCR, Webmock with RSpec
1. Add the gems to the Gemfile under test group:
gem "webmock"
gem "vcr"
2. bundle
3. require 'vcr' as the first line in spec_helper.rb
4. Add
VCR.configure do |c|
c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/cassettes'
c.hook_into :webmock
c.ignore_localhost = false
c.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true
inside the configure block.
5. Add WebMock.allow_net_connect! in the before block in the specs.
6. Wrap your network calls using :
VCR.use_cassette do
controller code that accesses network goes here