Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Top Links for April 27

1. [Go faster - Benchmarks for your whole Rails app]( 'Go faster - Benchmarks for your whole Rails app')

Tools to benchmark a Rails app. It consists of:

    Static Benchmarking
    Memory used at require time
    Objects created at require time
    Dynamic app benchmarking
    Detecting memory leaks
    Dissecting a memory leak
    Get a heap dump
    My app is slow
    Memory is large at boot
    Is this perf change faster?

2. [Ability to add database comments]( 'Ability to add database comments')

It is possible to specify comments for tables, columns, and indexes in the database itself now with this addition. It currently works for MySQL and PostgreSQL adapters.

3. [`create_join_table` works with non-integer column types]( 'create_join_table works with non-integer column types')

Creating a join table with create_join_table helper used to always create the columns with integer type. But now if you want to have uuid columns or any other type, it's possible!

4. [15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development]( '15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development') by Matthew Jones

Linus's Law : "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."

Occam's Razor : "Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected."

Hanlon's Razor : Don't assume people are malicious; assume they are ignorant, and then help them overcome that ignorance. Most people want to learn, not be mean for the fun of it.

The Pareto Principle : Have you even been in a situation where your app currently has hundreds of errors, but when you track down one of the problems, a disproportionate amount of said errors just up and vanish? If you have (and you probably have), then you've experienced the Pareto Principle in action. Many of the problems we see, whether coding, dealing with customers, or just living our lives, share a small set of common root issues that, if solved or alleviated, can cause most or all of the problems we see to disappear.

In short, the fastest way to solve many problems at once is the find and fix their common root cause.

Postel's Law : "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others."

Hofstadter's Law : Nothing ever goes as planned, so you're better off putting extra time in your estimates to cover some thing that will go wrong, because it unfailingly does.

The 90-90 Rule : "The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time."

Parkinson's Law : "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."

Dunning-Kruger Effect : "Unskilled persons tend to mistakenly assess their own abilities as being much more competent than they actually are."

5. Ruby 2.3.1 Released: A Bugfix Release. Minor bugfixes, no security fixes.

6. [How to Specify Local Ruby Gems in Your Gemfile]( 'Specify Local Ruby Gems') by Ross Kaffenberger

A look at using the bundle config command to develop against local gems instead of specifying a :path option in your Gemfile.

7. [A Guide to Ruby Gem Post-Install Messages]( 'Gem Post-Install Messages') by Brandon Hilkert

As gem authors, one of the ways we can provide important information to users of our gems is through post-install messages. This article explores what they are, how to set them up, what to include and when to use them.

8. [Unobtrusive JavaScript via AJAX in Rails]( 'Unobtrusive JavaScript via AJAX') by Daniel P. Clark

9. [Ruby for Good]( 'Ruby Event'): A Practical Ruby Event in Washington DC, June 16-19
The goal is to build projects that help local communities.

10. [Goruco 2016]( 'Ruby Conference')
A One Day Ruby Conference in NYC, June 25th.

11. [Rails 5: What's in It for Me?]( 'Rails 5') video
An hour long presentation on Rails 5. Check out the podcasts section of for the link.

12. [Rails 5 officially supports MariaDB]( 'Rails 5 officially supports MariaDB') by Vipul

MariaDB is an open source fork of the MySQL database and it acts as a drop-in replacement for MySQL. After the Oracle’s take over of MySQL there was some confusion about the future of MySQL. To remove any ambiguity about whether in future MySQL will remain free or not MariaDB was started. To learn about the advantages MariaDB offers over MySQL checkout the podcasts section for the link to an article which lists 10 reasons to migrate to MariaDB from MySQL.

[Top 10 Reasons to Migrate to MariaDB]( 'Top 10 Reasons to Migrate to MariaDB')

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