Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Top Links for May 17, 2016

[23 Years of Ruby with Matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)](https://changelog.com/202 23 Years of Ruby with Matz)

Matz, the creator of Ruby discusses the origins of the Ruby programming language, its history and future, Ruby 3.0, Concurrency and Parallelism, Streem, Erlang, Elixir, and more.

[Rails 5.0.0rc1 Released – Is ActionCable Ready for Prime Time? ](https://www.clearvoice.com/rails-5-0-0rc1-released-actioncable-ready-prime-time/ 'Rails 5.0.0rc1 Released – Is ActionCable Ready for Prime Time? ') by clearvoice\

As the web evolves and users become more demanding, the need for web applications to be interactive and immediate grows. Rails 5.0 is now more than ready to play with. This is a quick introduction to getting it up and running and a very simple Action Cable example.

[How to Build a Simple Math Evaluation Engine](https://blog.codeship.com/build-math-evaluation-engine/ 'How to Build a Simple Math Evaluation Engine') by Jesus Castello

Early on in Ruby, you learn to evaluate a math expression in irb. What’s the magic behind this operation? Create your own evaluation engine and find out.

[Jeremy Daer's RailsConf 2016 Opening Keynote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUVsZ4vS1Y8 'Jeremy Daer RailsConf 2016 Opening Keynote')
Relaxed reflections on the history and meaning of Rails and Basecamp as a way to explain Rails' ongoing relevance. The final 10 minutes has the more feature-based/newsy stuff.

[Ruby on Google App Engine goes beta](https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2016/05/Ruby-on-Google-App-Engine-goes-betaruntime.html 'Ruby on Google App Engine goes beta')

Frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Sinatra make it easy for developers to rapidly build web applications and APIs for the cloud. App Engine provides an easy to use platform for developers to build, deploy, manage, and automatically scale services on Google’s infrastructure.

[Don't Forget About Infinite Enumerators](http://aaronlasseigne.com/2016/05/11/dont-forget-about-infinite-enumerators/ 'Don't Forget About Infinite Enumerators') by AAaron Lasseigne

When was the last time you created an Enumerator? We use enumerables all over the place but it’s rare to see Enumerator.new. Sometimes you forget it’s an option. With finite enumerations you are immediately limiting where they can be used. They come with an extra expectation that must be addressed. Are there enough elements for me? When they’re infinite you can just go crazy.

[Notes from RailsConf 2016 opinion]( 'Notes from RailsConf 2016 opinion')
Kir Shatrov shares his thoughts and observations from this year’s RailsConf.

[WYSIWYG Editor with Trix](https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes/wysiwyg-editor-with-trix 'WYSIWYG Editor with Trix')

Compose beautifully formatted text in your web application. Trix is a WYSIWYG editor for writing messages, comments, articles, and lists.

[Rails Performance and the root of all evil](http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2016/05/09/rails-performance-and-the-root-of-all-evil 'Rails Performance and the root of all evil') By Sudara

This article talks about how to identify what matters in performance, measure twice : cut once, evil and non evil optimizations.

[Do You Need That Gem?](rightonruby.com/2015/do-you-need-that-gem-sam-phippen 'Do You Need That Gem') by Sam Phippen
Sam Phippen looks at the trials and tribulations of managing third party dependancies in our Ruby apps. It's a 18 minutes video. Checkout the podcasts section of rubyplus.com for the link.

[The Top Rails Code Smell To Avoid to Keep Your App Healthy](https://medium.com/planet-arkency/the-biggest-rails-code-smell-you-should-avoid-to-keep-your-app-healthy-a61fd75ab2d3#.xujqf0g9i 'The Top Rails Code Smell To Avoid to Keep Your App Healthy') by Marcin Grzywaczewski
Marcin ponders what common pattern in Rails causes the most pain and settles for ActiveRecord callbacks. Here he explains why.

[An Introduction to Rails Testing Antipatterns](http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/antipatterns-basics-rails-tests--cms-26011 'An Introduction to Rails Testing Antipatterns') by Ed Wassermann

An introduction to testing anti-patterns in Rails aimed at developers who want to pick up some valuable best practices.

[Allow accessing all helpers at the controller level](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/24866 'Allow accessing all helpers at the controller level')
With this helper proxy, users can reuse helpers in the controller without having to include all the modules related to view context.

[Add ActiveModel::RangeError](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/24835 'Add ActiveModel::RangeError')
When provided with large numbers, Active Model now fails with a new ActiveModel::RangeError that makes it easier to rescue from, and inherits from RangeError to maintain backward compatibility.

[Ensure compatibility between Rails Session and Rack Session](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/24820 'Ensure compatibility between Rails Session and Rack Session')
Rails session is now compatible with other Rack frameworks like Sinatra that are mounted in Rails. They can also use session tooling of Rails without any issues now.

[RailsConf Talks on YouTube]
Confreaks has posted videos for each session on confreaks.tv.

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