Sunday, May 07, 2017

Sprockets Deprecation

** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns: DEPRECATION WARNING: You are using the a deprecated processor interface #.
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns: Please update your processor interface:
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns:
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns:  (called from install at /srv/lafon/shared/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/autoprefixer-rails-6.3.7/lib/autoprefixer-rails/sprockets.rb:37)
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sprockets method `register_engine` is deprecated.
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns: Please register a mime type using `register_mime_type` then
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns: use `register_compressor` or `register_transformer`.
 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns:

 ** [out :: rp] Notice: /Exec[bundle exec rake assets:precompile]/returns:  (called from block (2 levels) in at /srv/lafon/shared/bundle/ruby/

  1. Add the sass rails gem to the the GemFile
    a) gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0', '>= 5.0.6'
  2. Run gem install sass-rails on the terminal
    a) gem install sass-rails
  3. Run bundle install
    a) bundle install --without production && bundle update