Friday, March 17, 2023

Convert Yaml Format

 In Ruby, you can use the psych library for YAML parsing and the erb library for templating. Both libraries are part of the Ruby Standard Library.

Here's the Ruby code for reading an input YAML file, rendering a template with the data, and writing the output YAML file:

Create a template file (e.g., template.yml.erb) with placeholders:

some_key: <%= value1 %>


  sub_key1: <%= value2 %>

  sub_key2: <%= value3 %>

In this example, <%= value1 %>, <%= value2 %>, and <%= value3 %> are placeholders that will be replaced with values from the input YAML file.

Create a Ruby script to read the input YAML file, render the template with the data, and write the output YAML file:

require 'psych'

require 'erb'

# Read the input YAML file

input_data = Psych.load_file('input.yml')

# Read the template file

template_content ='template.yml.erb')

# Render the template with the input data

template =

output_content = template.result_with_hash(input_data)

# Write the rendered content to a new YAML file

File.write('output.yml', output_content)

In this example, the script reads the input YAML file (input.yml) and the template file (template.yml.erb). It then renders the template with the input data and writes the resulting content to a new YAML file (output.yml).

Make sure to update the template file and the data manipulation part in the Ruby script according to your specific needs.