Thursday, March 16, 2023

For developing the MVP which one of these gaps should be addressed?

 When developing a minimum viable product (MVP) for a provisioning tool, it's essential to focus on the most critical aspects that deliver immediate value to customers and address their primary pain points. Based on the gaps identified earlier, the following areas should be prioritized for an MVP:

Simplicity and ease of use: Reduce the complexity of the configuration language and create an intuitive interface. Focus on making it easy for users to get started and ensure the learning curve is manageable.

Cross-platform support: Design the MVP to be platform-agnostic and support popular platforms and operating systems, ensuring that it can manage heterogeneous environments. This will increase the tool's appeal to a broader range of customers.

Basic scalability: Ensure that the MVP can handle a reasonable number of resources and can be used for small to medium-sized deployments. While it may not need to support large-scale deployments at the MVP stage, it should be built with scalability in mind to accommodate future growth.

Security: Implement security best practices from the start, such as encrypting sensitive data and using role-based access controls. Customers are more likely to adopt a tool that meets their security requirements and minimizes risks.

Basic error handling and rollback: Develop the MVP with robust error handling to help users diagnose and resolve issues. While it may not be necessary to have a fully-featured rollback mechanism at the MVP stage, ensure that users can easily undo changes and recover from errors.

By addressing these areas in the MVP, you'll be able to create a product that offers immediate value to customers and demonstrates the tool's potential to solve their most pressing infrastructure management challenges. Once the MVP has been released and validated by users, you can prioritize addressing additional gaps based on user feedback and specific customer needs.