Thursday, March 09, 2023

Table Change Action Items

  1. Plan the table name change carefully and thoroughly, considering all the potential impacts on the project.

  2. Create a new migration to update the database schema, including renaming the table, updating any foreign keys, and updating any indexes or constraints.

  3. Update the model that corresponds to the renamed table to reflect the new table name, including changing the class name, updating any associations or validations, and updating any custom SQL queries that reference the table.

  4. Update any controllers or views that rely on the old table name to use the new name, including changing the names of routes, updating any SQL queries, and updating any view templates.

  5. Update any tests that rely on the old table name to use the new name, including updating any fixtures, factories, or test data, and updating any test assertions that expect data from the table.

  6. Thoroughly test the migration on a staging or testing environment before deploying it to production to minimize downtime.

  7. Consider using techniques like blue-green deployment or canary deployment to gradually roll out the changes to production, reducing the impact on end-users.

  8. Ensure that the existing indexes on the table are recreated on the new table with the same structure as before, or updated or recreated with a different structure if there are changes to the columns or data types.

  9. Properly migrate the data in the table to the new table, including transforming data types or updating foreign keys that reference the table.

  10. Monitor the application after the table name change to ensure that everything is functioning properly and there are no unexpected issues or errors.