Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Script to SSH into Servers

 Here is an example of a bash script that uses the ssh command to connect to a remote server at a specified IP address and password:


# define the variables for IP and password



# use the ssh command to connect to the server

sshpass -p "$password" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@$ip

This script uses the sshpass command to pass the password to the ssh command. The -p flag specifies the password, and the -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no option is used to disable host key checking, which allows the script to connect to the server without prompting for confirmation.

You can replace the "user" with the username you want to use to connect to the remote server and replace the IP address and password with the actual values you want to use.

It's important to note that, hardcoding the password in a script is not a good practice, as it can be easily accessed by someone with access to the script. You should consider using ssh-key based authentication or storing the password in an encrypted file, and decrypting it only when needed.

You should also be careful when running scripts like this, as it can pose a security risk if used improperly.

The script I provided uses the sshpass command, which is not installed by default on macOS. sshpass is a command-line utility that allows you to provide the password for the ssh command non-interactively. Therefore, the script will not work as is on macOS.

However, the script can be modified to work on macOS by using the -A flag of the ssh command, which enables agent forwarding. This allows your local ssh-agent to handle the ssh-authentication and forwards your ssh-key to the remote host. This way you don't need to provide the password.


# define the variables for IP


# use the ssh command to connect to the server

ssh -A user@$ip

But this approach has its own security risks, for instance, it requires the ssh-agent to be running and your ssh-key to be added to the ssh-agent. Also, you should be sure that you trust the remote host and it's network, as the agent forwarding exposes your ssh-key to the remote host and its network.

You should also consider using ssh-key based authentication, which is more secure and eliminates the need to use a password or a script that passes the password.

Hardcoding the password in a script is generally not considered a good practice, as it can be easily accessed by someone with access to the script. If the script falls into the wrong hands, the password could be used maliciously.

Additionally, hardcoding the password in the script can also pose a security risk if the password is not changed frequently, or if the password is used for other purposes as well.

That being said, if you still want to run the script on Mac OS and you are comfortable with the security risks involved, you can use the expect command in the script to automatically enter the password when prompted by the ssh command.

Here is an example of how you could use expect to run the ssh command and provide the password automatically:


# define the variables for IP and password



# use the expect command to connect to the server

expect -c "

    spawn ssh user@$ip

    expect \"password:\"

    send \"$password\r\"



This script uses the expect command to spawn the ssh command and wait for the "password:" prompt. When prompted, it sends the value of the password variable to the server. The interact command allows the user to interact with the shell once the password has been sent.

Keep in mind that this script still has security risks, as the password is visible in plaintext and anyone who has access to the script will be able to see it.

It's important to note that, hardcoding the password in a script is not a good practice, as it can be easily accessed by someone with access to the script. You should consider using ssh-key based authentication or storing the password in an encrypted file, and decrypting it only when needed.

Here is an example of a bash script that uses the expect command to run the ssh command and provide the password automatically on macOS:


# define the variables for IP and password



# use the expect command to connect to the server

expect -c "

    spawn ssh user@$ip

    expect \"password:\"

    send \"$password\r\"



As you mentioned, you have accepted the security risk of having the password hardcoded in the script, for the purpose of logging from your development machine to a staging server. But, you should be aware that this script can pose a significant security risk if it is shared with others or if the server's security is compromised.

It's important to remember to keep the script in a secure location and to limit access to it to only those who need it. It is also important to change the password frequently and to use a different password for other services.

Also, consider disabling the script or removing the password when it is no longer needed.

As an extra security measure, you can also use a command like chmod 700 to change the permissions of the script to only allow you, the owner, to execute and read the script.

Also, you should be aware that logging and monitoring the usage of the script is important, as it can give you an idea of who, when and how it was used, this can help you detect any malicious activity or misuse.