Thursday, February 02, 2023

How to check if my Ubuntu server had a DDoS attack?

 To check if an Ubuntu server has experienced a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, you can perform the following steps:

Monitor the network traffic: Use the iftop or nload command to monitor the incoming and outgoing network traffic on the server in real-time. If you see a sudden spike in network traffic, it could indicate a DDoS attack.

Check system logs: Look for signs of an attack in the system logs, such as repeated connection attempts from multiple IP addresses, or high numbers of incoming packets. You can view the logs with the dmesg command or by examining the /var/log/syslog or /var/log/auth.log files.

Monitor system resource usage: Use the top or htop command to monitor the CPU, memory, and other system resource usage. If you see high utilization levels, it could indicate a DDoS attack.

Check firewall logs: If you have a firewall set up on the server, you can check the firewall logs for signs of an attack, such as blocked incoming connections from a large number of IP addresses.

Utilize DDoS protection services: If you suspect your server is under attack, you can utilize DDoS protection services such as Cloudflare to mitigate the attack.

It's important to keep in mind that these symptoms could also be caused by other issues, such as a high volume of legitimate traffic or a misconfigured network. So, it's important to take a thorough and systematic approach to diagnose the cause of any performance issues on your server.