Thursday, February 02, 2023

The Mikado Method

 Mikado Method is a software development process and a prioritization technique used to manage large and complex projects. It is a way of breaking down a project into smaller, manageable tasks that can be tackled one at a time. The method is named after the Mikado game, where sticks (representing tasks) are removed one at a time until the project is complete.

The Mikado Method involves creating a "Goal Tree" that represents the desired end-state of the project, and then breaking down the tree into smaller, more manageable branches until all tasks are identified and prioritized. Tasks are then worked on in order of priority, and progress is tracked and updated in the Goal Tree. If a task cannot be completed, it is removed from the tree and the project continues until all tasks are completed.

The Mikado Method emphasizes adaptability and incremental progress, and is used to manage complex projects that require a flexible approach to problem-solving. It allows teams to change direction and focus as necessary, without losing sight of the end goal.