Saturday, February 11, 2023

What are the error message best practices for a backend API?

Here are some best practices for displaying error messages in a backend API:

  1. Use standard HTTP status codes: HTTP status codes, such as 404 (Not Found), 400 (Bad Request), and 500 (Internal Server Error), provide a standard way to communicate the outcome of an API request. Use standard HTTP status codes to indicate the outcome of a request and provide additional information about the error using the response body.

  2. Provide clear and concise error messages: Error messages should clearly indicate what went wrong and what the user needs to do to resolve the issue. Avoid using vague or technical language, and provide clear and concise error messages in a consistent format.

  3. Use machine-readable error codes: In addition to the error message, include a machine-readable error code that can be used by client applications to handle specific error conditions. This can simplify error handling for client applications and help to reduce the need for custom error messages.

  4. Provide error messages in multiple formats: Consider providing error messages in multiple formats, such as JSON and XML, to support a wide range of client applications.

  5. Include context in error messages: Whenever possible, include additional context in error messages to help the client application understand the problem and how to resolve it.

  6. Log detailed error information: Store detailed error information, including stack traces and request data, in server logs. This information can be used to diagnose and resolve issues, and can also be used to improve the error handling in your API.

  7. Test error messages: Test your error messages to ensure that they are clear, accurate, and provide the information that the client application needs to resolve the error.

By following these best practices, you can create an error message system for your backend API that is effective, machine-readable, and helps to improve the overall reliability and user experience of your API.